Rosa Ibarra, oil paintings
Travel, a passion and inspiration for painter Rosa Ibarra's exhibit at Hope Hospice and Palliative Care Rhode Island
Making art accessible through public and private partnerships is just one of the objectives that makes Public Art Works, a group of professional Rhode Island-based artists, an important entity in the promotion of art in public space. Public Art Works (PAW), began working with HHCRI toward the end of 2009. "The Arts in Healthcare have grown into an international movement that works to infuse the full spectrum of the arts into healthcare settings, resulting in programs and healthcare environments that are welcoming and uplifting for caregivers, patients, their families, and visitors." – Nancy Gaucher-Thomas, Public Art Works.
"I make art simply because it is what I am called to do. It is as intrinsic to me as breathing or eating; without it I wouldn't be whole. People inspire me, most often assertive women who radiate strength in moments of soft
contemplation or while lost in a private thought. I find my muse while observing them in natural poses and imagine backgrounds and colors emerging from their expressions and their beings. Then, it all becomes a painting in my mind.
I use oils, interweaving thick layers of paint to convey the vibration of light and to build texture and design. At times I'll adhere elements to add relief and contrast, such as beach- washed glass or lace. Gold, copper and silver gilding also enhances the visual experience.